BIG Covid Vaccine Questions

New members arrive at Ben’s Friends with lots of questions as well as having a need for social support. That’s why we’re here. But these days the really big questions on peoples’ minds are about Covid vaccines.

The advice we give here is friend-to-friend. It’s not evidence-based medical advice, even if many of us see ourselves as local experts in our own conditions. Opinions and advice about Covid vaccines is waaaay outside our area of expertise!

When we have questions about vaccines (and trust us, we all do!) we depend on the expert scientists and doctors who have dedicated their careers to the study of their specialty. Then we turn to the doctors who know us best. That’s what we advise you to do.

Look to Drs. Tony Fauci, Supriya Sharma, and Jenny Harries and their learned public health colleagues around the globe for the big picture. Then turn to the doctors closer to home who know you well, for the best personal advice that you can get. Because it IS the best.

Yes, we all have opinions, and gut feelings too, but it would be unfair to suggest that your decision be influenced on our (or anyone else’s) gut feeling, hunch or rumour.

So keep an eye on what the experts say, and when it comes time to decide what to do, ask your doctor. When it comes to a Covid question related to your rare condition, run it by your specialist. When I did, here was her answer: “I’d rather you take your chances with the vaccine than with the disease.”

And I’m going with that. Asking for opinions in a group of lay people is only going to confuse matters, and goodness knows the world is confusing enough as it is. Ask the docs.



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