
The most common treatment for Addison’s disease involves hormone replacement therapy to correct the levels of steroid hormones your body isn’t producing. Some options for treatment include:

  • Oral corticosteroids. Hydrocortisone (Cortef), prednisone or cortisone acetate may be used to replace cortisol. Your doctor may prescribe fludrocortisone to replace aldosterone.
  • Corticosteroid injections. If you’re ill with vomiting and can’t retain oral medications, injections may be needed.

An ample amount of sodium is recommended, especially during heavy exercise, when the weather is hot or if you have gastrointestinal upsets, such as diarrhea. Your doctor will also suggest a temporary increase in your dosage if you’re facing a stressful situation, such as an operation, an infection or a minor illness.

These are the most common pharmacological treatment, but there are other. What else works for you?

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